Woods Workout with a Difference
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Are you (like me) looking to burn off holiday pounds? Tired of the same old boring inside jazzercise, zumba, yoga, rumba, et cetera exercise? Does that person bossing you around while you exercise bother you?? We promise you a free range, full body, self-directed exercise experience.
For a limited time only, try the patented “Madrona Woods dig out holly stumps on slippery steep slopes” workout. This unique cross training solution features: digging, sawing, lopping, chopping, prying, pulling, and, if you’re like me, swearing. The small stumps in the picture took about 2 person-hours to remove from the steep clay slope. Want to join up? We are looking for a few good people. Check out our friendly work party events here. And if you only click, please like our facebook page here. This is a limited offer because at some point we are going to dig out all of these blasted stumps, and put ourselves out of business. I fervently hope!