Students Lend Welcome Hands
Students from the University of Washington and Garfield High School will be helping us clear new areas now that the creek daylighting project is finished except for more planting and continuing maintenance.
A team from the University of Washington’s Restoration Ecology Network Capstone Program has chosen to work with Friends of Madrona Woods to clear invasives and revegetate the east edge of Madrona Woods along Lake Washington Boulevard during the 2009-2010 academic year. They have been working on design and preparation during the fall and will begin supervising work parties to clear and plant during the next two quarters. They are looking into the possibility of redirecting the spring water that often collects on the Boulevard and connecting it to the daylighted stream.
Students from the Garfield High School after school Earth Service Corps will be coming the second Sunday afternoon each month during the school year to clear and plant along the sidewalk connecting Spring/Grand to the Boulevard. Students from other area high schools may be joining them. Community residents are also welcome. They gather at 1:00 at the tool box at Spring and Grand.